Thursday, June 6, 2024


Over the last two weeks we have had significant rain storms. Occurring almost daily, it has resulted in significant loss of trees, limbs, and power. One storm with hurricane force winds significantly damaged homes and buildings, ripping off sidings and roofs, leaving water damage that will take weeks, if not months, to recover. 

Personally, I have not suffered any loss. My trees have stood steadfast. My roof has not leaked. My plants are thriving. My grass is in desperate need of a cut. 

I enjoy the rain. I find it soothing and comforting, a balm. The gentle pitter-patter is so calming. Even the harsh rain with roaring thunder and lightning has been a comfort to me at times. 

But, I enjoy the sun too. And sitting outside on my patio amidst my plants and listening to the birds and watching my dogs play and frolic about. 

I got a weather update this morning that said there would be “Abundant sunshine” today. 

It made me smile. “Abundant Sunshine”. 

I had just talked with a friend yesterday and we talked about the idea of abundance. 

Abundance means to have more than you need. 

It made me think on John 10:10b. 

I have come so that they may have life, and may have it abundantly. (NET)

The idea that my life is richer simply because Jesus came and lived and died and rose again, is a beautiful thing. It means that I have more than I need. 

It also made me think on Psalm 46:1. 

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. (ESV)

The words “very present” can also be interpreted as abundantly available. A few years ago I sat and meditated on that for a long time. I found that truth to be life giving, comforting, and encouraging. I am never alone. God is ever present, always near, abundantly available. 

Beauty can be found in both the rain and the sunshine. 

But even in times when the sunshine is not abundant, God is. And for that, I am forever thankful.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Spiritual Direction.

A few years ago, I began feeling restless. 

I knew that there was so much that I did not understand about religion and spirituality, about faith, about God.  I wanted  more for my life and the restlessness I was feeling was demanding I move forward. 

The problem was that I didn’t necessarily know how.

I had been doing the same things the same ways all of my life. I didn’t know how to step outside of that, look outside of that, trust outside of that.

So, I became curious and began reading and searching for opportunities to move forward. 

I began reading about spiritual formation and what it was and what it meant. It intrigued and fascinated me. It expounded on having a deeper relationship with God through various spiritual disciplines and practices. It enabled me to find different ways of experiencing my theology. It was a true joy.

In my readings, I stumbled across the idea of spiritual direction. This was new to me and I didn’t know what it was. 

I came to understand that spiritual direction is simply the practice of being with someone as they attempt to grow in a deeper relationship with God. The spiritual director is present with the directee and listens as they talk about what they feel, see, and notice in their everyday life and focuses on the presence of God in those experiences.

My restlessness pushed me on so that I began working with a spiritual director. I began to have monthly conversations about where I saw and felt God in my life. It has been a life-giving and life-changing experience.

The beauty of the experience led me to begin my own journey of becoming a Spiritual Director. So, in August of 2022, I started the Southern Methodist University’s certification in Spiritual Direction program. 

Holy listening. 

That’s really all it is. 

Learning to sit and openly hear another talk and discuss their journey. Learning to be present with the directee while acknowledging the presence of the Holy. 

Spiritual Direction has taught me how close the Holy really is to all of us. It has taught me how powerful being still and listening really is. It has taught me how truly loved I am. 

I wonder what it has to teach you?